December 9, 2022

Video marketing trends not to ignore

If you haven’t incorporated video content into your marketing strategy, what are you waiting for? Video marketing is not going anywhere — and there are plenty of ways you can leverage its power and popularity right away.

In the last three years, the time we spend watching website video content has increased from 84 minutes to 100+ minutes per day. So if your audience isn’t watching your video content, chances are they tuning in to someone else’s!

Let’s look at the top trends in video marketing that might just inspire you to work video content into your marketing efforts.

User-generated content

As the name suggests user-generated content (UGC) is any content such as videos, reviews or images that are created by your client or customer rather than by the brand.

It might be a video of them receiving your product or using it for the first time (see a few points below about unboxing). It might be a review or testimonial via video or text. How do you get users to create this UGC? Simple – ask them for it. Encourage your audience to tag you on social media, to leave you reviews, to post themselves using your product – voila!

On the fly DIY vibes

With the popularity of do-it-yourself video content on TikTok and reels on Instagram and Facebook, we are increasingly conditioned to viewing videos that aren’t super polished. This presents the opportunity to be reactive and agile in your video creation.

While there is still very much a place for high quality well-produced video content, such as on your website, television and paid advertising slots, you can definitely diversify your content with some DIY videos too. The next point is one way you can do this that is often very popular…

Unboxing videos

Opening packages and unboxing new products is exciting content that can be either user-generated (see back a couple of points) or created by your brand. It plays into the joy we all get when we receive something we ordered and it finally arrives at our door, or that moment we make a highly anticipated purchase and reach that moment of opening it.

Good lighting, a decent quality camera and a flattering angle to frame your product is all you need! One other pro tip: one or more of your hands are likely to be seen in these videos, so make sure they are presentable!

Fun TikTok style content

If you’re not familiar with TikTok, the style of the videos usually uses music or a voiceover that the person or people in the video dance or lip sync to. It can be informative but the priority in this style of video is to show your fun side and lean into trends to maximise reach.

Varied length

You don’t have to obsess over how long your video goes for (unless you have an ad spot or platform with a time limit that is). Gone are the days of the longer the better — in the age of social media, short and sweet is acceptable and there is no real minimum about it either. Super short ‘micro’ video content is fine. As long as you get your message across and it has something to offer in the form of entertainment, information or inspiration then you’re good to go.

If you are going to do longer form video content, make sure it is engaging and high value to its audience — don’t just make it longer for the sake of it as your viewers will just move right along when they get bored.

Make videos from existing content

If you’re wondering where on earth to find content to leverage the popularity of video content, look no further than your own blogs. A blog post can often be broken up into sections to create an informative piece of video content — you can read it aloud like a vlog, or use images or graphics with text on screen to create a presentation-style video.

Inspire, educate and entertainment your target audience with video

So what can you expect to achieve from creating all this video content? A video or series of videos that capture the attention of your audience can mean more time spent engaging with your brand. This leads to enhanced brand awareness, more clicks, and ultimately more leads and/or sales.

For a helping hand getting your video content marketing up to scratch, give us a shout.