August 22, 2022

Four sure-fire ways blogging can boost your business

It’s no secret that we live in a world that is obsessed with the internet. In fact, around 4 billion people across the world are connected to the internet right now.

What opportunities are you missing when it comes to cutting through and connecting with your target market online?

If you have a website, but haven’t yet got a blog section, these four big benefits just might make you want to jump in and give it a go…

Boost your business with blogs to:

Showcase your credibility

Opportunities to share your passion and all your impressive insights can be few and far between, so why not create a blog to showcase your credibility any time you like?

Write blogs that show your audience that you are a leading authority in your industry, that your offering is guaranteed to do what they want it to, or that your values are aligned with theirs.

Create multi-purpose content

A blog is rarely just a blog. Oh no.

A blog is an email to your database sharing the latest news or insights or valuable offering. A blog is one, two, three, maybe 10 social media posts delivering value to your audience. A blog is an audio recording that can be listened to like a podcast. A blog is a video, an infographic, an article in a printed publication in your waiting room. If you want content, start with a blog.

Bump up your SEO

Google loves blogs. When looking for ways to improve your ranking in Google search (ie: Search Engine Optimisation, or SEO), blogs can be a great way to do it.

Blogs mean your website is seen as being regularly updated, and you can add in keywords that are relevant to your audience. Plus, blogs can bring more traffic to your site which can contribute to how valuable your site is considered by Google and they provide an opportunity for link building too.

Hone your brand voice

Blogs are the perfect place to showcase your amazing brand personality and tone of voice. Hopefully you have spent time crafting a brand personality that resonates with your target market, and your blogs let you run wild with it.

Whether it’s a highbrow and data-focused persona, a bubbly, chatty persona, or something a little bit cheeky, it can really shine through in your blog content.

Know when to outsource

If you find yourself recognising the value of having a blog but you a) don’t have time to write them, b) aren’t particularly skilled at writing, c) don’t want to spend time writing, or d) all of the above, don’t stress. Some things are best outsourced. We can ghost-write blogs that sound like your brand and get your point across in the best possible way.

Give us a call or email to chat about incorporating blogs into your marketing strategy.