April 30, 2024

The real price of a dodgy website

Let’s face facts — it’s a digital world we’re all living in, and while a spiffy physical place of business used to be the goal, your website is now your storefront; it's the first interaction people have with your brand.

But it's not just about having a website — it's about getting it right AND keeping it in top shape.

Just like any store, clutter or broken elements can drive customers away, which is why a regular website audit is not just beneficial but necessary.

A surprisingly common misconception is that once a website is built, it doesn’t need much maintenance after that. This couldn't be further from the truth.

Websites require regular updates and audits to adapt to changing digital trends and user behaviours. Without updates, a site can quickly become pretty useless. Or, worse still, a hindrance.

Is your website losing you sales?

Too many businesses are losing potential sales due to common, yet overlooked, website issues: an iffy content strategy, slow loading times, confusing navigation, outdated information, poor user experience…

When visiting your website is unpleasant or does not answer visitors’ questions or meet their needs, visitors can feel frustrated. And this will send them over to your competitors. During an audit, we look for these problems and rectify them to ensure your website helps rather than hinders your sales potential.

What’s working on your website (and what’s not)

Think of your website as a living, breathing entity on the internet. It needs to not only look good but also function smoothly and appear in searches when potential customers are looking for services you offer.

This is why a focus on design, content, user experience and analytics is a must.

Using Search Engine Optimisation helps your site appear higher in search results to bring more visitors but it’s not just about attracting visitors — we also need to serve them valuable content that meets their needs and answers their questions effectively. The content on your site needs to speak directly to your ideal customer and demonstrate that it understands their problems, wants and needs. Otherwise, your site simply can’t do its job.

Analytics are your best friend when it comes to assessing what’s working on your website and what’s not. You can use them to identify which pages keep people’s attention and which ones prompt them to leave. Data is crucial for refining your content strategy and improving user engagement.

“A well-designed website does more than attract visitors — it keeps them there.” -John Cassar, Kick Creative Director

Good aesthetics, modern design and high-quality relevant content, videos and images make your site an enjoyable place to be. When we are evaluating user experience, it’s all about focusing on the overall feel of the site, the content on it and making sure that visitors can navigate easily and find what they need without frustration.

Simple changes like improving site speed or creating a more intuitive menu can significantly enhance how users perceive your site — and, in turn, your business.

The online experience should reflect the offline experience

Whether you’re selling a product or a service, or a bit of both, the experience your customers have with your brand needs to be consistent across the board. And this includes what visitors see on your website.

This cohesion will elevate trust in your brand while boosting customer satisfaction and loyalty by providing a predictable and reliable brand experience, no matter how or where your customer interacts with you.

Your website is an investment that pays dividends in the form of more leads, more sales and more satisfied customers. Yes please.

So, get your website right from the beginning and maintain it ongoing to ensure that your online presence is in sync with your offline operations. Make your website work for you and your customers coming back for more.