July 12, 2022

Must-have WOMM Strategies (Word of Mouth Marketing)

While trust in online and social media marketing and advertising continues to grow, word of mouth is still one of the most powerful tools we have to elevate brands and sell products and services.

It has, however, evolved. Instead of just word of mouth, it’s often considered Word of Mouth Marketing and of course in typical marketing fashion it now has an acronym: WOMM.

Think of WOMM as the digital era’s version of the classic word of mouth. But it is a little different.

Traditionally we would be convinced by word of mouth when someone we know and trust would physically tell us about a great product or service. They’d tell us that they recommend it and we would perhaps then try it and recommend it on further to others in our circle. And around it would go, contributing to the success of said product or service all the while.

These days we share our satisfaction with a brand differently. Typically, we take to the internet to leave a review or share our thoughts on social media.

Harnessing the power of word of mouth

There are two types of WOMM: organic word of mouth and amplified word of mouth.

In organic word of mouth the consumers become brand advocates simply by enjoying their experience of a product or service and naturally sharing their recommendations. Without prompt they might jump online and leave a Google or Facebook review, or they might post about the product on their own social media platforms.

Amplified word of mouth on the other hand takes place when we create marketing campaigns that have the goal of increasing the word of mouth activities undertaken. This could be through offering incentives via discounts or rewards for leaving a review (though you cannot ask specifically for it to be positive ­– check the guidelines with the ACCC here).

Working with influencers to showcase your product is also a form of amplified WOMM — in this instance you are paying an influencers or gifting a product in return for them to share it with their following. In 2022 this is an incredibly powerful way to build brand recognition and boost sales fast, but you do need to choose your influencers wisely.

With a Nielsen report indicating that 92% of consumers believe suggestions from friends and family more than advertising, and many of us considering online followers as friends, it’s easy to see how WOMM can be a game-changer for your brand.

Key factors for a successful WOMM strategy

Consider these ideas to create a word of mouth strategy for your brand that gets results:

Create a buzz

A fun or unusual approach to your creative, a trend that excites people — do something unique to try to get people talking online.

Nail your customer experience

It only takes one poor experience with a brand’s product, service or purchase experience to turn a consumer off for life. Get this right before you try any WOMM campaigns.

Create an emotional connection

Get to know your target audience and identify a way that your offering can trigger an emotional response to deepen your connection and encourage them to talk about your brand.

Encourage User Generated Content

Create a hashtag, incorporate resharing content into your social media strategy and even simply ask for your customers to snap a photo or video of them with your product or benefitting from your service.

Share your ratings and reviews

Check your Google reviews, Facebook feedback and so on and share them. Showcasing them can not only spread the word of how great your brand is but encourage more users to share their positive feedback too.

Work with influencers

Find influencers who are fit to be brand advocates and explore ways to work with them. It could be sending them a product as a gift or engaging them as a brand partner and paying them to showcase your brand.

Word of mouth is a quick route to brand trust

Word of mouth can fast-track your prospective customer’s journey to becoming a trusting brand advocate.

Get your customer experience and offering right before you embark on any WOMM strategies to get the very best out of this approach.